Wednesday, November 30, 2011

so much to be thankful for.

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. 
The morning started off with the 18th Annual Run to Feed the Hungry 10k.  This is my second year participating in this great event that benefits the Sacramento Food Bank. 

{turkey beanie - etsy}
{start line}

{Danny, Cheryl, Mee + Justin}

{after run feast made by Dids}

After a quick shower, I made my favorite grape-butterfinger salad and green bean casserole, and then we were off to see the family.  My older sister and her husband hosted Thanksgiving dinner this year.  I don't get to see my family as often as I would like, so when I do spend time with them, I cherish every hug, laugh and wisecrack.

{lil bro + big sis}

{mounds and mounds of food}

{outdoor fun before dessert}

Sunday, November 27, 2011

to be organized.

My bathroom drawers were completely out of control from lack of attention.  I'm somewhat of a clean freak and to have my drawers in such a disarray, was driving me absolutely bonkers.  It's the little projects like this that make me so happy.  It feels great to declutter!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

while on the run.

I had a lovely long run this past Saturday. 
The City of Trees is ablaze with fall colors.

12 more days till my first FULL MARATHON.. yeeeee!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

pomegranate #1.

2 giant homegrown pomegranates from my boss.  Hmmm, what to make?

I decided on this simple fruit dessert {here}.  I let it refrigerate for an hour and it tasted great!  Ryan went back for seconds and he doesn't even like pomegranates.  I'll definitely make again.

Oh and the leftovers tasted even better this morning.  Breakfast, num!  

1 pomegranate down, 1 more to go.
A friend directed me to a dark chocolate pomegranate cookie recipe.  Hoping to make some this weekend.

Friday, November 11, 2011

alright, alright.

I finally took down my halloween decorations.  

I would have been happy leaving them up another week, but lost in a game of ro-sham-bo.

I'm leaving the below up till the end of November.

Love the smell of pumpkin.

Monday, November 7, 2011

sunday funday.

Lazy morning with the pooches.  Instead of a 5 mile run, I slept in and it felt amazing.  Ohhh how I love to sleep.  Mieka, Sienna and Ry weren't complaining.
Look at the schnoz on Sienna.  She must take after Ry's side of the family.

I'm normally a tea kind of gal, but I've recently been introduced to the world of caramel and chocolate creamers.  Sunday morning cup o' joe.

Yeeeee.  I'm super excited!!!  After a lazy start and 5 cups o' joe, we went couch shopping.  I fell in love with this beautiful mustard couch, but it's just not practical for our space.  We're on the hunt for the perfect sectional, and I think we found it.  I seriously thought hell would freeze over before Ry and I found a couch we both love.  We don't exactly have the same taste in clothes, furniture OR music, which makes it difficult and time consuming when shopping together.

Here are some potential fabric choices for the new couch.  We are hoping to decide and order in the next few weeks.

Soccer time.  5 Guys & Your Mom won 4-0.  Woot woot.  Always an entertaining game.

Sully was thrilled to be goalie on short notice.

Shaner the speed demon

Ry was on a breakaway...

Jay, Laith + Robbie taking it down

Ahhhh, what a great Sunday.  We spent the rest of the evening watching football and visiting with a good friend.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

while on the run.

I ran 20 miles yesterday.  A year ago, I would have thought it impossible.  
I don't stop when I'm tired and in pain, I stop when I'm done.  4 weeks to go!