Wednesday, August 29, 2012

glimpses from the week 8/20 - 8/26.

 cross training // happy hour with char char

made french toast bake again // while on the run, state capital

someone needed a nap // my favorite comfort food... chicken & dumplings at Dad's Kitchen

Monday, August 27, 2012

just run.


week six
3 days - 19 miles
core strength training - 45 mins
cross training/pool running - 40 mins

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

glimpses from the week 8/13 - 8/19.

while on the run // watching some indoor footy

lovely morning // every breath counts, every moment matters. life is beautiful, but so fragile.

our tootsies are done // kinders!!  bbq for lunch

road trip in the jeep // good morning, santa cruz. view from the balcony.

Monday, August 20, 2012

accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative.

my mileage for the past week

week five
4 days - 22 miles
core strength training - 30 mins
cross training/pool running - 30 mins

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

glimpses from the week 8/6 - 8/12.

my niece takes after me. such a character // lilac shirt + cobalt skirt

avocado burger // celebrating my zoe-poo's 2nd birthday

if you're a bird, i'm a bird // cantaloupe and blueberries 

now that's a pretzel // happy friday - beer & pool time

mieka's lazy morning // a little something different for brunch

Monday, August 13, 2012

olympic withdrawals.

i was a bit obsessed with watching the olympics this year, and not just one particular event.  I enjoyed watching almost ALL of the events… except for maybe 2 or 3, which I will not identify. 

there were just so many truly amazing and inspiring athletes!!!  i can’t tell you how often i caught myself crying at the end of a race, a swim, a perfect spike, a dismount, a goal. 

of course, track and field was very exciting and interesting to me.  both, the men’s and women’s olympic marathons, blew me away!  the men’s winning time 2:08:01 and the women’s winning time at 2:23:07.  obviously, i will never get even remotely close to those times, but just watching them has motivated me even more to beating my marathon PR in december.  i'm hoping to improve my PR by 25 minutes. 

my mileage for the week
week four
21 miles/4 days
core strength training/2 days

Friday, August 10, 2012

current music obsession.

ben howard

old pine

we stood
steady as the stars in the woods
so happy-hearted
and the warmth rang true inside these bones
we stood
steady as the stars in the woods
so happy-hearted
and the warmth rang true inside these bones
as the old pine fell we sang
just to bless the morning.

we grow, grow, steady as the morning
we grow, grow, older still
we grow, grow, happy as a new dawn
we grow, grow, older still
we grow, grow, steady as the flowers
we grow, grow, older still
we grow, grow, happy as a new dawn
we grow, grow, older still

 the fear

I been worryin' that my time is a little unclear
I been worryin' that I'm losing the one's I hold dear
I been worryin' that we all live our lives in the confines of fear

Monday, August 6, 2012

glimpses from the week 7/30 - 8/5.

longest ride on the scooter (30 mins) //multitasking at the office - watching olympics on my ipad

energy shot = bad idea. was bouncing off the walls // sushi date night

picked up my gear for the color run // flowers growing wild.  picture taken after a morning run.

fresh blueberry banana protein shake for lunch // visit with grams in my old stomping ground. elk grove country. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

color me if you can.

yesterday i participated in the happiest 5k EVER, the first color run in sacramento.  what a great event!!!

mileage for the week
week three
17 miles
4 days 


team color me if you can


much deserved brunch with friends

{15 car pile-up}

Friday, August 3, 2012

oh happy day.

After many vulgar posts/comments regarding Zoe Smith's appearance on social networking sites, she fired back with this empowering message.   

"...We don’t lift weights in order to look hot, especially for the likes of men like that. What makes them think that we even WANT them to find us attractive? If you do, thanks very much, we’re flattered. But if you don’t, why do you really need to voice this opinion in the first place, and what makes you think we actually give a toss that you, personally, do not find us attractive? What do you want us to do? Shall we stop weightlifting, amend our diet in order to completely get rid of our ‘manly’ muscles, and become housewives in the sheer hope that one day you will look more favourably upon us and we might actually have a shot with you?! Cause you are clearly the kindest, most attractive type of man to grace the earth with your presence.

"Oh but wait, you aren’t. This may be shocking to you, but we actually would rather be attractive to people who aren’t closed-minded and ignorant. Crazy, eh?! We, as any women with an ounce of self-confidence would, prefer our men to be confident enough in themselves to not feel emasculated by the fact that we aren’t weak and feeble.
"  - Zoe Smith, English Weighlifter

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Way to go, Zoe!  Brilliant smack down.  And on that note, Happy Friday!!!