that's an easy question for those that are close to me - I RUN SO I CAN EAT MORE
or at least that's the reason i started running.
about a year ago, i decided i wanted to be a runner. my first run outdoors, in 8+ years, was horrible! definitely different than running on a treadmill. i could barely finish a mile, my whole body hurt and i was extremely slow. i kept with it though. i began running 2 to 4 miles, 3 to 4 days a week. it was hard, but each run got easier. i registered for running events and started training. then before i knew it, i was running 6, 8, 10 and even 12 miles. i'm addicted now. i love setting goals and accomplishing them. i love pushing myself and the way it makes me feel. i love that it gives me time to think, or not to think. i don't love getting up early in the mornings (not exactly a morning person as Ryan will tell you), but once i'm out there i'm loving it... well, except for the occasional fall (yeah, i'm clumsy too).
running is helping me become a better me and i'm excited for my 2011 goals.
recap of 2010 running
1. 2/13/2010 Legal Services of Northern CA Annual Valentine Run 4 miles
(benefits free legal services to the disadvantaged)
2. 5/1/2010 American River Parkway 1/2 Marathon 3. 6/6/2010 Nike Women's Fitness Festival 5k
(benefits Weave)
4. 10/3/2010 Urban Cow 1/2 Marathon (benefits Leukemia & Lymphoma Society)
5. 11/25/2010 17th Annual Run to Feed the Hungry 10k
goals for 2011
1. LSNC Annual Valentine Run
2. Shamrock'n 1/2 Marathon 3. SPCA Doggie Dash 5k
4. Nike Women's Fitness Festival 5k
5. Urban Cow 1/2 Marathon 6. 18th Annual Run to Fee the Hungry 10k
7. 29th Annual California International Full Marathon (**first full marathon**)